Tuesday, 15 October 2019

I am a bachelor of........

Alhamdulillah praise to Allah S.W.T to be blessed and gifted this life. I am officially graduated from Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) in BBA in Marketing with a first class degree (Waived my ptptn hoorayy!). *loooong sigh*

I still remember the days that when I was at Matriculation where my lectures once said, “if you didn’t passed to enrol in Public University, choose UniKL.” I was thinking back then like ugh no I don’t wanna end up in UniKL, I want to go to Public University too. But back then it is unfortunately and now I say fortunately, I got into the Universiti Kuala Lumpur. It is so hard at first to accept the fact that my matriculation result is bad (read: I am dumb) which I think my future is dark. I still remember that I cried a little on the first day of my registration to UniKL and that is because I felt like at least UniKL still accept me to be part of them too and finally I did further my studies for degree.

Along the way at UniKL I can say it wasn’t easy and it wasn’t hard either. There’s one time when your result expectation is lower that the reality you almost think it’s the end of the world (jumping off of a building thoughts) but life must go on! Too many ups and downs but Alhamdulillah many ups compared to downs ðŸ˜‚. 3 years of being a degree student has been so wonderful that I gained a lot of experiences doing so many things that I never done before. Volunteering in international events, becoming solo presenter, involved in committee members of a club, being a loud student but in a funny and cheerful way lol! (Kepochi’s), funny friends that loves to joking around a lot.

And among my friends and according to them too I’m the least (dictionary: smallest in amount, extent, or significance) that has problems during study life not comparing who’s and what’s but I really don’t dwell myself deeper in my problems because you as a human is so much bigger than your problems. My take on this is that life and problems forever there but you gotta chin up, face it and get through it! Go do fun stuff with your loved ones and create beautiful memories along the way because life is too short to be boring haha!

There’s also me on deciding whether to go on convocation or not over and over again. Because one time I think convocation is just a celebration to honor you as a student and presenting awards and certification as a recognition. So I had this biased thought until it’s almost the end of my study life then I started to think okay I really need to celebrate myself because I did struggle a lot especially during the final year but more in a manageable struggles though ðŸ˜‚.

So I am happy that on 13th of October is the day where I sort of in a cloud nine! I did my degree in BBA Marketing in first class degree. Alhamdulillah thank you Allah. Stay motivated to finish what you started, bumps are always there to gives you challenges along the way. Sees it as a good challenges to keep you going. And always know Allah is always there to bless you and whatever happen pray to Allah and He will answers in a beautiful way! Last but not least as I rarely post photos here so enjoy some photos of my convocation days to maybe enlighten and inspire you guys too. ðŸ’“💓💓