Sunday, 4 July 2021


        Ello readers?? I don't think people actually reading this but this is just my thoughts and I just felt like to randomly write something. It is 2021 (2nd Half) and it is deteriorating. Pfft.... Last year was the beginning of the conquer Ms Rona globally and she still got us hooked LOL. 2020 is too much surprise which in summary I lost my best friend (Al-fatihah to Nik Nur Amira Nabilah) and I lost my job too (so far the best job???) I got retrenched due to the pandemic typically. I missed Nikno so much that it's surreal I had to say this. Grievance would never passed, you just kinda deal with it and ride along with the life. 

        But in hindsight of losing the job, I actually explore to programming and coding (confidently with HTML). 3 months of self learning, I accepted a 6months contract placement. And Allah help me and give me another good opportunities right after contract end and it is such a speechless gratitude of how His plan is always the best. Alhamdullilah. I'm rooting for our situation would be more normal than the new normal. I have lost grip of creativity or communication to get connected with friends. It's like a never ending thoughts when all of this will be normal and the anticipation to live your life just like the pre pandemic era. Just remembering that, careful what you wish for. Really.

        Sigh... I'm looking forward to come back at this space to talk how the rest is history with pandemic and what are the.. I guess takeaways from that era. Take 'em jabs and let's achieve herd immunity. :)

Stay safe and stay home. Good bye now.

Monday, 18 November 2019


Hello there! ✋

How is everything going on in your days? Hopefully everything is under control as much as I'm tryna having mine under control too haha! So yep, I said it right on my best highlight for this year to be honest.

I went to Universal Studio Singapore (USS), finally! Yayyy! Haha it was my first time to USS so pretty much excited. And it is even more exciting when you go with one of your best people in your life too. I went with 2 of my best friends and all of us having it at high celebration lol! It was supposed to be our post graduation vacation. We kinda have a lot of places to travel and planned but due to my personal (read:family) reason, Singapore passed for now. Hahaha! So actually we follow this one local day trip package, everything is on schedule and has proper itinerary. But the only hype I'm looking forward to is of course USS. They did tour a bit around to Garden by the bay, posing at Papa Merlion at Merlion Park, and strolling around Bugis street (got one dollar store) before we were (finally) sent to USS.

I think we all got a bit tired already, losing some energy before actually thinking of enjoy more at USS. I have to admit, I got pretty tired and sleepy (because woke up at 3am to freshen up and getting ready before entering the immigration and Singapore border; part of the day trip package). But as soon as I put my eyes on the fantasy looking Hollywood nearby the main entrance, I'm vibing out people! 🤣🤣🤣 We plan to record and do some vlogging (but I think failed because we are so new to this) I will put the link of our entire vacation video down below....

So we went in and then little bit screaming and shrieking and of course thrilled to finally be here. It is looking  and reading over exaggerate but trust me, we had it planned all of the year during our final year of study. And still sadly, one of us couldn't be there due to work... Life works unexpectedly guys seriously..... Okay *straight face* We planned on which ride we wanna go first and the ride that shouldn't missed out. So Cylon and Human Ride is the most adventurous ride and I am highly recommend you to try. Cylon is pretty crazy let me tell ya but we ride it twice! But just have a lot of patience on the waiting turn (non-express line) before you finally hop on to the ride. However it was all worth it seriously. Next ride is, Ancient Egypt. Have high expectation on this ride too okay! And to have "deja-vu" after ride, sit at the far end just like me hihi! 🙂🙂 Best ride and great experiences too!

And then, supposed to go to Transformers ride but unfortunately closed due to maintenance 😭😭, then we straight go to Jurrasic Park. Chillin' ride, ready to get wet and soaked. But it all falls back to your luck haha because we are not getting soaked (prolly wearing raincoat!) but one of the dude that in the same boat with us are being washed by the water hahah! And then after that, we went to Far Far Away to experiencing Shrek 4-D. So much fun if you still have your inner child in yourself, you would be totally enjoyed it! 🤣 And then we kinda touring around a bit and lastly, we decide to go in the Cylon ride for the 2nd time! It is one crazy ride but you would still wanna go for it! I still wanna go for Cylon ride again and again. Hihihi

After that, we enjoyed the night at Singapore and witnessing the magnificent lights show called Spectra-Light and Water show. It is 15 minutes show and got 2 session for every night. The 2 session is on 8pm and 9pm. You would definitely speechless and be glued with the light show, mark my words. And then, that is it at Singapore. We went back to Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur haha) and then we accommodate ourself at this one comfy airbnb apartment. We spent 2 days there, relaxing and little bit food hunting. Which on the first day of stay, we have Ayam Gepuk Pak Gambus (2nd level of spicy for me!) And then the second day, we have the best shellout I ever taste. It is actually a 6 pax portion meal but it only took 3 pax of us to finish them hohoho happy tummy!! And then we spending a lot of our time binge watch movies (which I slept most of the time, such a light sleeper haha)

And then before saying goodbyes to my friends, we have our "have-have" feeling at this beautiful restaurant at Open House, KLCC. The price is okay okay la not too pricey. Manageable bill I admit. The food, I can't comment much as we only have our coffee session, so all we had is some sort of local dessert/cake (kuih) and coffee. That is because, we are so full eating that 6 pax portion meal of shellout for lunch. But definitely gonna come and try the main dishes. Open House in my opinion is serving local and western mixed cuisine in your table. One of the menu; "Salmon Asam Pedas", "River Lobster Tempoyak". It is sound local but also western right haha. So that is all on my sharing this time. Please enjoy the photos and the link to my video below. Thank you for reading. Adios, XOXO!


So sedapppp, delicioussss!

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

I am a bachelor of........

Alhamdulillah praise to Allah S.W.T to be blessed and gifted this life. I am officially graduated from Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) in BBA in Marketing with a first class degree (Waived my ptptn hoorayy!). *loooong sigh*

I still remember the days that when I was at Matriculation where my lectures once said, “if you didn’t passed to enrol in Public University, choose UniKL.” I was thinking back then like ugh no I don’t wanna end up in UniKL, I want to go to Public University too. But back then it is unfortunately and now I say fortunately, I got into the Universiti Kuala Lumpur. It is so hard at first to accept the fact that my matriculation result is bad (read: I am dumb) which I think my future is dark. I still remember that I cried a little on the first day of my registration to UniKL and that is because I felt like at least UniKL still accept me to be part of them too and finally I did further my studies for degree.

Along the way at UniKL I can say it wasn’t easy and it wasn’t hard either. There’s one time when your result expectation is lower that the reality you almost think it’s the end of the world (jumping off of a building thoughts) but life must go on! Too many ups and downs but Alhamdulillah many ups compared to downs 😂. 3 years of being a degree student has been so wonderful that I gained a lot of experiences doing so many things that I never done before. Volunteering in international events, becoming solo presenter, involved in committee members of a club, being a loud student but in a funny and cheerful way lol! (Kepochi’s), funny friends that loves to joking around a lot.

And among my friends and according to them too I’m the least (dictionary: smallest in amount, extent, or significance) that has problems during study life not comparing who’s and what’s but I really don’t dwell myself deeper in my problems because you as a human is so much bigger than your problems. My take on this is that life and problems forever there but you gotta chin up, face it and get through it! Go do fun stuff with your loved ones and create beautiful memories along the way because life is too short to be boring haha!

There’s also me on deciding whether to go on convocation or not over and over again. Because one time I think convocation is just a celebration to honor you as a student and presenting awards and certification as a recognition. So I had this biased thought until it’s almost the end of my study life then I started to think okay I really need to celebrate myself because I did struggle a lot especially during the final year but more in a manageable struggles though 😂.

So I am happy that on 13th of October is the day where I sort of in a cloud nine! I did my degree in BBA Marketing in first class degree. Alhamdulillah thank you Allah. Stay motivated to finish what you started, bumps are always there to gives you challenges along the way. Sees it as a good challenges to keep you going. And always know Allah is always there to bless you and whatever happen pray to Allah and He will answers in a beautiful way! Last but not least as I rarely post photos here so enjoy some photos of my convocation days to maybe enlighten and inspire you guys too. 💓💓💓

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Something I felt like to pour out

Hi readers,

Hope whatever you are today makes you at ease and comfort to read my entries. I am so new to this, well my previous blog is like a part of my assignments so that is why they are all kinda sounds so factual info.

I am now 24 this year but not officially 24 because my birthday is on December. But something that I felt not too satisfying which I am still not settle and well on securing my career. I know it is normal to feel this way like all the motivational sayings and positive thoughts would be most probably comforting us the millennial to stay calm and it is okay to be not okay. I have this memories back in the day when I was maybe in primary school (age between 7-12) where I will always have this shivering feelings and worrying on what will I be in the future (read: adult). Like the thoughts of your childhood dream job, would I be a doctor?, would I be a scientist?, would I be a pilot?, would I be successful adult?. I know we all have that thought and I know too where maybe none of this reflect to us at all. Haha! Well, I am one of that person too. Well, you are not failing actually. It is okay to not become into your dream and admired job because believe in the fact we're too lazy too stupid to study back then! Hahahaha.

But you know at least be a good human. Restore the faith of humanity in yourself. I always say to myself, no matter how bad you are at your current job now, maybe sometime things doesn't work out well at our workplace always always at least be a good human to others. Be good to others as simple as that. No matter how bad your days are, be good to others. Restore that in yourself. At least maybe you help others to ease up their days, or maybe smile at people that passing by you, maybe in a traffic be tolerable driver even you know you gonna reach home late! You will never lose a dime to be good to others. Maybe randomly smile at a stray cat because he is fluffy and cute at the same time. Haha! My point is never lose yourself with you struggling whatever you are facing now and still try to be a good human. You can make a difference.

And never give up no matter what. As you might feel cliche, but it is true. Don't give up with yourself. As I know everyone of us have our own idols or people to look up to, think about this; what happen to that person if he/she has giving up when he/she is struggling in life. You are what you are today because of what you fight from the past. At least be proud of what you have become today. You have made it this far so keep going! And let's all be healthy and take care of ourselves. Peace out and Ciao!

Monday, 2 January 2017


•To explore the scope of retail promotion
•To study the elements of retail promotion: advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion

•To discuss the strategic aspects of retail promotion: objectives, budgeting, the mix of forms, implementing the mix, and reviewing and revising the plan
Elements of the Promotional Mix
—- Paid, nonpersonal communication transmitted through out-of-store mass media by an identified sponsor
—- Key aspects
•Paid form
•Non-personal presentation
•Out-of-store mass media
•Identified sponsor
üAttracts a large audience
üGains pass along readership (for print)
üLow cost per contact
üMany alternatives available
üControl over message content; message can be standardized
üMessage study possible
üEditorial content surrounds ad
üSelf-service operations possible

ÒStandardized messages lack flexibility
ÒSome media require large investments
ÒGeographic flexibility limited
ÒSome media require long lead time
ÒSome media have high throwaway rate
ÒSome media limit the ability to provide detailed information

Types of Advertising

Public Relations
Communication that fosters a favorable image for the retailer
•Nonpersonal or personal
•Paid or nonpaid
•Sponsor-controlled or not
Publicity – Nonpersonal form of public relations whereby messages are
transmitted by mass media.  The time or space provided by the media is not
paid for, and there is no identified commercial sponsor
üImage can be presented or enhanced
üMore credible source
üNo costs for message’s time or space
üMass audience addressed
üCarryover effects possible
üPeople pay more attention than to clearly identified ads
ÒSome retailers do not believe in spending on image-related communication
ÒLittle control over publicity message
ÒMore suitable for short run
ÒCosts for PR staff, planning activities and events

Personal Selling
Oral communication with one or more prospective customers for the purpose of making a
Persuade customers to buy
Stimulate sales of impulse items or products related to customers’ basic purchases
Complete customer transactions
Feed information back to company decision makers
Provide proper levels of customer service
Improve and maintain customer satisfaction
Create awareness of items also marketed through the Web, mail, and telemarketing
üMessage can be adapted
üMany ways to meet customer needs
üHigh attention span
üLess waste
üBetter response
üImmediate feedback
ÒLimited number of customers at one time
ÒHigh costs
ÒDoesn’t get customer in store
ÒSelf-service discouraged
ÒNegative attitudes toward salespeople

Typical Personal Selling Functions

Sales Promotion
 Encompasses the paid communication activities other than advertising, public relations, and personal selling that stimulate consumer purchases and dealer effectiveness
Types of Sales Promotions
•Frequent shopper programs
•Referral gifts
üEye-catching appeal
üDistinctive themes
üAdded customer value
üDraws customer traffic
üMaintains loyalty
üIncreases impulse purchases
üFun for customers

ÒDifficult to terminate
ÒPossible damage to retailer’s image
ÒMore stress on frivolous selling points
ÒShort-term effects only
ÒUsed as a supplement


•To describe the role of pricing in a retail strategy and to show that pricing decisions must be made in an integrated and adaptive manner
•To examine the impact that consumers, government, manufacturers, wholesalers and other suppliers, current/potential competitors have on pricing decisions

•To present a framework for developing a retail price strategy: objectives, broad policy, basic strategy, implementation, and adjustments

Pricing Options for Retailers
Discount orientation
•At-the-market orientation
•Upscale orientation
Factors Affecting Retail Price Strategy

Price Elasticity of Demand
The sensitivity of customers to price changes in terms of the quantities they will buy:
Elastic – Small percentage changes in price lead to substantial percentage changes in the number of units bought.
Inelastic – Large percentage changes in price lead to small percentage changes in the number of units bought.
Market Segments by Price Sensitivity
Economic consumers
Status-oriented consumers
Assortment-oriented consumers
Convenience-oriented consumers
Competition and Retail Pricing
Market pricing – Retailers often price similarly to each other and have less control over price because consumers can easily shop around.
Administered pricing – Firms seek to attract consumers on the basis of distinctive retailing mixes.
Pros and Cons of Everyday Low Pricing
Reduced advertising expense
More predictable sales levels
Fewer peaks and ebbs of sales distribution
Decreased excitement
Potentially less store traffic due to specials
Less “cherry-picking” by consumers who only purchase specials


Boredom & the Store Environment 
•Time Poverty
As consumers’ lives become increasingly time starved, customers are often entering retail stores with a negative feeling/emotion because they would rather be doing something else than shopping.
•Dissatisfaction with Shopping
Whether due to larger amounts of category management, cookie-cutter retailers, more time spent working, or changes in demographics.
Elements of the Store Environment

Store Planning
•“The better it is, the less you notice it as a customer”
Fundamentally concerned with the allocation of space and how it is used.
Floor Plan
A schematic that shows where merchandise and customer service departments are located, how customers circulate through the store, and how much space is dedicated to each department.
Types of Space
Back room
- Receiving areas for shipments & stockroom
Office & other functional areas
- Break & training rooms, offices, and bathrooms
Aisles, service areas, and other non-selling space
- Dressing rooms, service desks, etc.
Sales floor
Space Allocation Planning
•Requires the retailer to first analyze the profitability and productivity of various merchandise lines.
•On average 20% of a retailer’s merchandise is either obsolete or unwanted by the retailer’s customer base.
•Any productivity metric chosen must relate some performance variable (e.g., sales, GM, etc.) to the amount of space used in the store.