Monday, 2 January 2017


•To explore the scope of retail promotion
•To study the elements of retail promotion: advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion

•To discuss the strategic aspects of retail promotion: objectives, budgeting, the mix of forms, implementing the mix, and reviewing and revising the plan
Elements of the Promotional Mix
—- Paid, nonpersonal communication transmitted through out-of-store mass media by an identified sponsor
—- Key aspects
•Paid form
•Non-personal presentation
•Out-of-store mass media
•Identified sponsor
üAttracts a large audience
üGains pass along readership (for print)
üLow cost per contact
üMany alternatives available
üControl over message content; message can be standardized
üMessage study possible
üEditorial content surrounds ad
üSelf-service operations possible

ÒStandardized messages lack flexibility
ÒSome media require large investments
ÒGeographic flexibility limited
ÒSome media require long lead time
ÒSome media have high throwaway rate
ÒSome media limit the ability to provide detailed information

Types of Advertising

Public Relations
Communication that fosters a favorable image for the retailer
•Nonpersonal or personal
•Paid or nonpaid
•Sponsor-controlled or not
Publicity – Nonpersonal form of public relations whereby messages are
transmitted by mass media.  The time or space provided by the media is not
paid for, and there is no identified commercial sponsor
üImage can be presented or enhanced
üMore credible source
üNo costs for message’s time or space
üMass audience addressed
üCarryover effects possible
üPeople pay more attention than to clearly identified ads
ÒSome retailers do not believe in spending on image-related communication
ÒLittle control over publicity message
ÒMore suitable for short run
ÒCosts for PR staff, planning activities and events

Personal Selling
Oral communication with one or more prospective customers for the purpose of making a
Persuade customers to buy
Stimulate sales of impulse items or products related to customers’ basic purchases
Complete customer transactions
Feed information back to company decision makers
Provide proper levels of customer service
Improve and maintain customer satisfaction
Create awareness of items also marketed through the Web, mail, and telemarketing
üMessage can be adapted
üMany ways to meet customer needs
üHigh attention span
üLess waste
üBetter response
üImmediate feedback
ÒLimited number of customers at one time
ÒHigh costs
ÒDoesn’t get customer in store
ÒSelf-service discouraged
ÒNegative attitudes toward salespeople

Typical Personal Selling Functions

Sales Promotion
 Encompasses the paid communication activities other than advertising, public relations, and personal selling that stimulate consumer purchases and dealer effectiveness
Types of Sales Promotions
•Frequent shopper programs
•Referral gifts
üEye-catching appeal
üDistinctive themes
üAdded customer value
üDraws customer traffic
üMaintains loyalty
üIncreases impulse purchases
üFun for customers

ÒDifficult to terminate
ÒPossible damage to retailer’s image
ÒMore stress on frivolous selling points
ÒShort-term effects only
ÒUsed as a supplement

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